Friday, May 16, 2008

childhood. celebrated.

We had a big storm on Mother's Day this year. The wind whipped the leaves around on the trees and howled throughout the afternoon and into the evening. We ordered take-out and played in the family room together for hours. My husband and I smiled at each other more than once, unspoken words of thankfulness for this amazing little family we have.

It got me thinking...why don't we have a "Children's Day?" This is not a new thought of mine...I've been asking this question since I was a kid myself. And when I asked Jon last Sunday, his reply was the same as my mother's had been all my life, "Cause its Childrens Day every day!" Ha! I don't like that answer and now that I have my own house and my own rules it's about time there is one! Not a day where you cart your children around to various amusments but a day where you make a small gift for them, take them out to lunch and have them know that this day is theirs because of all the wonderful things they do for the family.

The Thompson family annual Children's Day will be the second Saturday in July from now on. It's official! And here at Danielle Marie Photography, we will celebrate childhood every day. Because what is better than that?