Friday, March 14, 2008

Welcome to the new BLOG!

I love my new logo which was created by Stephanie Morvant of My Doodlebug Designs! Funny thing, I did a random search for Doodlebug since that is what we call Miss Delaney and Stephanie's site came up. Just so happens I was looking for a logo designer too! Im really pleased with the new look and have ordered my some fancy business cards and letterhead too! Thanks Stephanie!

I have also had the pleasure of working with Annie the sweetest and most helpful woman who has created a site called Blogger University to help all of us challenged in learning html code to make our blogs pretty! Have you ever met someone online who you wish could just come over for a cup of tea and hang out with your kids...that's her! Check out her site...she was so much fun to work with, so helpful and so darn smart too!